Four students meet at a table in a design lab surrounded with computers and project notes

Great minds think together

Iowa State is innovating, creating, and communicating to make lives better – healthier, fuller, more positive, more capable of problem-solving, more action-oriented – in Iowa and beyond. Iowa State is preparing Iowa’s future-ready workforce, with 57% of its graduates earning STEM degrees.  

  • Two students hold on to a small planting created as part of an innovation presentation

    Start Something right away

    Iowa State’s Start Something Network consists of innovation and entrepreneurship academic opportunities, from credit-earning coursework to capstone projects, to internships for all university students regardless of discipline. Start Something is just one of the many ways you can be part of Iowa State’s inclusive culture focused on interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • Exterior view of the Student Innovation Center building

    A facility designed for students

    The one-of-a-kind Student Innovation Center is a five-level dream factory designed to foster innovation and facilitate collaboration by erasing the barriers among disciplines. Now fully open to students, you’ll find hands-on materials labs, office and workshop space for student clubs, and more R&D equipment than you can imagine within the high-tech walls.  

  • A woman presents her idea to judges during an entrepreneurial pitch competition

    Entrepreneurship is for everyone

    The Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship supports and develops entrepreneurs in Iowa, offering programs and services that connect students, community entrepreneurs, business professionals, and alumni. Competitions such as pitch-offs give students valuable experience and chances to win cash prizes.

We identify the issues and opportunities. We think boldly. We bring together our expertise and our partners. Then we get to work.

President Wendy Wintersteen, Iowa State University

"The College Tour" TV series hosted by Alex Boylan featured Iowa State University in its recent release. In this segment, Jed Wyse shares Iowa State's Innovation story through the lens of a student.