A-Z Index Site
- Laboratory Animal Resources
- Lactation Support
- Lakeside Laboratory
- Land Acknowledgement
- Land-grant history
- Landscape Architecture, Dept. of
- Language Studies Resource Center
- Language, Literacy, and Learning Graduate Program
- Languages and Cultures for Professions Program
- Laptop, Checkout
- Last day to drop a course (see Academic Calendars)
- Latino/a Studies Program
- Leadership Opportunities for Students
- Leadership Studies Program
- Learning Communities
- Learning Disabilities
- Lectures Program
- Legal Services, Student
- Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
- Liberal Arts and Sciences College
- Library
- Lied Recreation Athletic Center
- Linguistics Cross-Disciplinary Program
- Linguistics, Applied
- LinkedIn Learning
- Literary Studies, M.A. in English
- Live Green Initiative
- Loan and Debt Counseling (Students)
- Loans (Student Financial Aid)
- Local Foods Extension
- Logistics and Support Services
- Lost and Found
- Lost ID Cards